Tuesday, February 6, 2007

*oscillates wildly*

This post is devoted to things that are awesome. Why? you ask. Well, because for the most part lately the world has not been awesome. Apart from stupid budget cuts at the university, and friend-related-abandonment, and the breaking of coffee making machines, and the impending Doom of the Eye Appointment with the Eye Drops of HORROR, and the never-ending march of deadlines approaching and passing whilst I wave wildly (like the alliteration?), the world has actually sucked.

Therefore! Awesome things that cause cheerfulness! And mayhap awe! To begin with, the picture above. Is it not awesome? Methinks it may be.

Also: http://www.344design.typepad.com/ is very awesome. Incredibly awesome, in fact. It is daily MONSTERS. How much more awesome can you get?

http://xkcd.com/ is wistfully beautiful and beautifully smart. Melikes a webcomic about 'romance, sarcasm, math and language'.

http://www.notam02.no/~hcholm/altlang/ Dude, curse words. In other languages. The good, it does not get any better.

http://particleadventure.org/ It's an adventure! With particles! ...awesome for those with no physics knowledge; for those with, there are pretty diagrams! That move! How sparkly.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd that's all, folks.


Anonymous said...

I just realized that in opposition of my mandate, I have not posted a comment on this post. So, now I am doing it. But I don't have anything intellegent to say...so um, cool!

Petra said...

you... FREAK